…exposing the truth about Mercy Ministries

Archive for June, 2013

Another Mercy Survivor Story

Here I reproduce a comment placed on this site under a different article which gives yet another account of how destructive Mercy’s illogical theology can be.

I don’t know why I seek out current Mercy survivor stories when I know it will trigger really upsetting memories of my time there. But I keep doing it. My time in the program was…complicated. Terrible, terrible theology/counseling methods (Mercy) + really wounded/dysfunctional woman (me) = a perfect storm.

I want so badly for Nancy to right Mercy’s course by examining the theology practiced and promoted there, implementing reputable counseling methods, and amending many of their “best” practices. Essentially, completely overhaul everything Mercy has been to date. The cynic in me says it will never ever happen. If there’s anything I learned from my time there, it was that questioning was tantamount to rebellion. The culture was one of blind obedience, in my opinion. I imagine that those who question Nancy, or Mercy methods, don’t last long.

My relationship with God is stronger and deeper now than it’s ever been. And perhaps the only way Mercy contributed to my growth in God was by giving me such a negative experience with their really shoddy and semi-heretical belief system. In this, they unintentionally pushed me in the direction of a robust theology — and way of interacting with God and the world — rather than in the direction of the simple theology they espoused time and again.

I’ve read so many “testimonies” of Mercy graduates who include some version of the following statement, “God used Mercy to save me from…” or “If it wasn’t for God using Mercy, I would be…” or “I thank God for Mercy,” etc. etc.

To these women, I pose the following question, “What if God is using Mercy not because of its methods, but DESPITE them?”