…exposing the truth about Mercy Ministries

Lisa’s Story

I was contacted recently by Lisa who told me about her time at Mercy Ministries.
Her story is one that demonstrates very clearly that Mercy Ministries is a cult.
Before you read this please be reminded of the BITE model. This model outlines the 4 main features of a cult:I. Behavior Control

II. Information Control

III. Thought Control

IV. Emotional Control


You will find all of these in Lisa’s Story.

“It has been just over 5 years since I left the Mercy Ministries program. I had my 23rd birthday there in the kitchen of the Monroe, Luisiana home. When I first arrived, I found the Mercy staff to be caring and compassionate. The home was clean and well decorated, and the sleeping and bathing facilities were comfortable. I was placed in what is refered to as the maternity room, ideally a three-bed room isolated on one side of the house for pregnant gals. Oddly enough, I found that all new girls were placed in this room for a probationary period of up to three weeks so they could be observed before moved to the general population dorm. I am a social girl and quickly made friends with all of my Mercy housemates. This was discouraged, and caused me a great deal of grief.
    A Mercy girl is expected to behave cordially and respectfully amoung her fellow residents, but is not allowed to share any personal information with the others. We were told that any sharing of personal information, reasons we were seeking treatment, or what we were “working on” in our daily individual treatment programs was strictly forbidden. As a naturally curious gal in a new surrounding, I broke this rule about 800 times. I had quite a bit in common with most of the girls, I was seeking help for an eating disorder, cutting, and suicidal tendencies. I unpurposely brought out the “rebellious side” of many of my roomies, and was immediately pin-pointed as a trouble maker.
    Every month or so we would be corralled into the meeting/classroom area for a graduation ceremony in which one of our housemates would be prayed over, give her testimony, and receive the highly coveted “Mercy Ring” often with her family members present. Then with little time to say goodbye to their friends, they were escorted out directly after the ceremony. This was what we were all working for, the final affirmation that we had “won” our battle with our afflictions and were on our way to living an upstanding and productive life. I didn’t make it to my graduation.
    About four weeks into the program I became acutely aware of the Mercy Ministry programs flaws. The control levels were fanatical. Every moment of our days were scheduled and nothing was done without immediate supervision. Twice a day we were gathered into the classroom area as a group where we “performed” a praise and worship service followed by two hours of video instruction by either Joyce Meyer or Joel Osteen. Praise and worship was a joke, the  more emotional and charismatic the better. Our leaders would dance and hop and shake, screaming and “talking in tongues” and more than encouraged us to do the same. If you were not jumping and muttering than you were taken aside and reprimanded for not participating. We never watched any other speakers with the exception of Nancy Alcorn, and our own house leaders.
    After these classes, we would meet each day with our supposedly liscenced therapist for one on one work. My therapist was two years older than myself and spent our sessions rephrasing my words and telling me that I was being afflicted by satan and until I could break free I would continue on my path of self destruction. I was given homework in the form of handouts and books selected from the house library–all Joyce Meyer, Nancy Alcorn, and Joel Osteen. They were obsessed with “demonic forces on Earth”. One day they even went through the entire house anointing doorways to cast satan out of the house. They carried little bottles of oil and slathered it in a cross shape at the top of each door. This was initiated because one of the leaders was finding it difficult to pray inside the house. Miraclously she was once again unfeddered after the anointings.
    My trouble truly began with a few core friendships. Bored with the constant indoctrination of the “Holy Trio” of video instructors, I took to writing amusing short stories in my notebook during class. My roomies couldn’t get enough of my interactive devotional stories, so I kept them coming. One night at bedtime a leader walked in just as I ended my story and was about to lead my friends in prayer. She freaked out and told us that we were never allowed to pray on our own or with others without having a leader participate. When I asked why, I was told that we never knew where satan was lurking and he may lead us in leading others astray with false prayers or worship. As always, it was pointless to argue, and arguing only led to discipline including but not limited to being singled out in front of the whole house for insubordination, multiple extra chores, restrictions and other devices. Right or wrong, their word was law. They controlled what we ate, when we slept, what amount of physical activity we were allowed, what music and media we were exposed to and even down to the letter we wrote and the relatives we talked to.
    Phone calls were only allowed on weekends, and you were only allowed two 10 minute outgoing phonecalls which had to be from a list of pre-approved contacts. This was strictly limited to family. You were timed and had to talk on a phone set up in the hallway next to the house leader’s office so you could be heard. It was terribly frustrating because if you had a significant other or bestie on the outside you couldn’t talk to them unless they managed to get a call through during the very busy weekend phone time, and still you were monitored. Mail was the same, outgoing mail was read and incoming letters were read and packages opened for you. The leaders decided what you could or couldn’t have, including screening all photographs and all of your items were recorded on a belongings list. If it wasn’t on the list, it didn’t leave the program with you. If you wanted to give an item to a fellow resident, it had to be approved by a leader and given as a “gift”.
    All religious services were mandatory and we sat together as a group every Sunday at a local church. The service was ridden with faith healings, and dramatic faintings refered to as being “slain in the Spirit”. When a woman was “slain” a golden sheet was placed over her for modesty purposes. This was one of the few times a week we were able to leave the house, second only to once a week exercise at a local gym-provided the privilage wasn’t taken from you, and the weekly Walmart/Mall trip (also supervised–with store restrictions and group accountability).They were big on that, you could earn a lot of brownie points that would make life a lot easier if you tattled on your friends. They had “in house” pets that always brought the tiniest of scandals to light.
    To tell my whole story would take ages, even though I only made it through three months. During that time I was made to feel guilty about everything, belive without question everthing I was told by the leaders, and blame others and satan for all of my problems. I was paraded around in the public eye to draw in more money for the Mercy “cause”, forced to wear makeup and inspected appearance-wise daily. I saw a lovely girl struggling with gender issues painted and dolled up in an effort to feminize her and save her from the firey pits of hell, teased and prodded to be the “woman God intended her to be”. Grown women reduced to caddy schoolgirls fighting and backbiting to earn the sparse affection of the house leaders. I witnessed multiple accounts of negative reinforcement, medication witholding, and other illegal activities.
    At the begining of month three, I was brought into the house director’s office and told that I was to be given probation for being a trouble maker, guilty of the crimes of leading prayer, creative writing, unruly behavior, insubordination, and many other horrible sins. My privallages were revoked and my homework load was tripled. I had a constant shadow following me around and supervising my daily tasks. I was told that my mother had been contacted and she was extremely disappointed in me. I was not allowed to talk to her by phone or letter, until I made a public apollogy and was publically reprimanded for my behavior. Also I was to divuldge any information I had on a number of housemates concerning a number of incidents or my Mercy days were over. After many tears and a two-day internal battle my sanity won out and I announced that I owuld be voluntarily removing myself from the program. I was then kept in a small bedroom for 2 days until my travel arrangements were taken care of and was not allowed to speak to any of the other residents as it would upset them. After two days I was smuggled out of the house and dropped of at a bus station. That was the last I saw and heard of Mercy.
    My one regret is and always has been not being able to leave contact info for all of my Mercy buddies. Since leaving I have found a few of the girls I was with in Monroe, and everyone I have talked to, rather they graduated or not, appear to still be struggling with the issues they went into treatment for. I have good memories and bad memories of my time at Mercy, but one thing is clear, Mercy Ministries shows very little Mercy and compassion for those they are entrusted to care for.
–Lisa Hamacher”

14 responses

  1. Ramona Rodrigue

    I know exactly what you went threw. I myself was in the Monroe facility but I didn’t even make it 3 weeks. My father put me in there cause he did not want to deal with a pregnant teen. Everything you said brought back so many memories. I forced them to tell my dad to come get me but I am sure to this day they probably have a pic of my daughter hanging on there wall of baby’s even though she was not born with me in there facility. My aunt sent it to them. I myself wish they would close this place down. It is inhuman and cruel. I was a special needs mother who had to be on a strict diet during my pregnancy and they would not even let me eat what I was supposed to eat. They told me if I did not eat or drink what was provided I did not eat or drink at all. This experience I have to say was the most horrible of my life. Wish there was something we could do to shut it down I am so tired of people saying how great this place is when it is an awful place.

    July 1, 2013 at 1:59 am

  2. annoyed

    Wow, too bad you all have way to much time on your hands… I went to the St. Louis home and it is not at all like this. We see a variety of speakers, not just Joyce Meyer. They don’t want you talking about your issues because, if you’ve ever been to a treatment program, people glorify there past like a war story and it’s really hard to focus on getting better. I think anyone who talks this much trash about Mercy is pathetic. YOU HAVE to sign yourself up for the program… It’s free, and your complaining? Even if you disagree with their methods, have some respect. I was a heroin addict for years and had been to many treatment centers and this is the only one that worked. They don’t “speak in tounges” during worship, nor do they make anyone believe anything they don’t want too. You can’t sit and work on assignments during worship but uhhh, why would they go through the trouble of having it if everyone was just going to sit there with their thumb up their ass. When we go to the mall you have a group with two other people… It’s really not bad.. Why would they send a group of girls to the mall that have dealt with drug addiction, self harm, etc and just let them lose? They would all come back cut up and potentially with drugs (depending on their dedication to doing so) As far as getting in trouble for everything, that’s bullshit. I left the group once at a fireworks display to smoke a cig and they didn’t even get mad at me… They just explained to me that they don’t want us doing that because it’s a.) not allowed and b.) they don’t us relying on any substances to feel better. I’ve NEVER seen anyone in the house carry anointing oil except one former resident… My counsolor has never told me everything I had done wrong was satan’s doing… They said it was my choice, however, satan wants to make us feel ashamed of what we done which sends us further into our downward spiral. They don’t read my mail, that’s illegal… And I would noticed if the envelope was open… They watch us open it because they don’t want people being sent sharp objects or pills. They review all of our pictures because some people’s issues have to do with chronic masturbating and porn addiction. I don’t want some girl in the same room as me flicking her bean so I appreciate the thought. I wasn’t in the home for pregnant girls, so I don’t know what happened at your home. I do know I wouldn’t sit there and try to reck a facilities reputation because I was mad I didn’t make it work for me. Have some respect, better yet, get a life. Mercy Ministries saved my life and they care about the well-being of the girls that go there. I wouldn’t reccomend going if your going to listen to some idiot fear monger on the internet bashing it.. I would if you actually are at the end of your rope and want people to help you who aren’t banking on your issues.

    September 1, 2013 at 1:56 pm

    • been there too

      annoyed, I’m glad that God saved your life. It sounds like He used Mercy to do it. The stories of those who’ve been victimized do NOT invalidate your story of redemption, just as your particular redemption story does not negate or invalidate the stories of others who didn’t have that experience. Your story is yours and I’m so glad you felt cared for there.

      The following was my experience and perspective living in the St. Louis home: We were taught — subtly and explicitly — that if a girl wasn’t successful in the program, it was her fault, that she didn’t make the program work for her, that she CHOSE to go and didn’t have a right to complain, etc., etc., basically, many of the same statements you’re making in your post. I believe this encouraged and continues to encourage graduates — or those who’ve found success in the program in any capacity — to engage in either/or thinking: either a girl wants to be healed (and she graduates) or she doesn’t (and does not). Mercy seems to never take any blame. Only the girl.

      In my experience, healthy therapeutic relationships allow the client to establish healthy boundaries and pace. There is mutual respect for the process. Healthy therapy does not promote a one-size-fits-all approach (like Restoring the Foundations or Choices that Bring Change). Healthy therapy allows for nuance, healthy dialogue and disagreement between the therapist and client. It sounds like your therapeutic experience at Mercy was positive in these ways. Mine was not.

      Again, take heart! Your positive experience is not invalidated or diminished because someone’s negative experience. And likewise, someone’s negative experience should not be discounted or disbelieved because of your positive one. In my opinion, one does not cancel out the other, in either direction.

      Please don’t demonize those who had different experiences. Life is complicated, issues are complicated and therapy is complicated. Healthy organizations understand this. Healthy therapists understand this.

      In my opinion, Mercy does not.

      September 17, 2013 at 6:46 pm

    • jasmin

      Hey I just applied today to go to mercy and would like to hear more about what you have to say about it. I’m scared to death but I want my life changed that would be great if you can contact me. I would really appreciate it. My email is jazmataz93@gmail.com and number is 8285085095. Thank you so much

      January 14, 2015 at 4:09 pm

      • amie

        Hey I know its now march and if u haven’t already been placed in a mercy home u can contact me my name is amie I graduated from mercy in Nashville in 2007 my email is mommy2013finch@gmail.com or find me on Facebook at amie leigh I have my son as my pic .

        March 2, 2015 at 5:27 am

      • Joyce Doerr


        November 29, 2017 at 5:28 pm

    • Mel

      Just because you’re experience in your opinion was “all roses” as you made it out to be doesn’t mean everyone else’s is. Infact, some peoples experiences were outright traumatic and forums like this can be a place of healing for others who’s experiences have been as so. I am glad that you found this program to be of help for you, but understand, not everyone has been as ‘fortunate’ in their own personal outcome as you.

      October 2, 2017 at 11:20 am

  3. I really need help my cuz is in mercy ministers right now an I read Lisa’s story an that sounds like all of the stuff there doing to my cuz an she has been fully brainwash I need help I need to now how to help her an how to get her to open her eyes an I need to know everything there is to know about mercy an what do they do with the girls after they are done do they get to go home or they made to go so other places an want they do if the girl is homeless when she is done there please someone HELP ME an help me HELP MY CUZ I have prayed about it an god has answered my prayers but I need to kw how to help her an more about the place that’s takeing god word in vain plus these ppl are there resons why a lot of others hate god an hate the onlys who really truly worship The Lord there right about one thing satan is in that house he has his demons starting up mercy ministers an his demons helping run the places an we all should come together an stop this evilness no one should ever be done the way they do the girls that are looking for help more on my an my cuz struggle with mercy ministers but not now its not safe to talk about just yet

    September 8, 2013 at 6:19 am

  4. Duckyblonde

    I went to the Monroe home and it’s not at all how you describe it. I never felt anything was forced on me. However, I did feel like someone cared about me and not my behaviors for the first time in my life. When I felt like I wasn’t getting something, my counselor ALWAYS encouraged me to just keep seeking and never made me feel like I wasn’t good enough or like I wasn’t doing something right. No one was ever forced to do anything in praise and worship and it definitely wasn’t crazy like you describe it. All the rules are in place for a reason. Usually because they’ve had issues with something happening in the past. One of the reasons you couldn’t discuss what you were there for is because girls like compare, especially girls with eating disorders. That only breeds discouragement and magnifies the problem! Their rules made perfect sense. We listened to way more than Joyce Meyer, Joel Osteen and Nancy. My notebook also includes Priscilla Shirer, Beth Moore, Jesse Duplantis, Mark Crow, Dutch Sheets, John and Lisa Bevere and even more that I can’t think of off the top of my head. Every girl does not go to the maternity side of the house when they first get there. I went straight to the dorm side and didn’t spend time on the maternity side until I was almost ready to graduate. It’s very strange that most of the girls who are not happy with Mercy and call it a cult, are girls that were kicked out of the program for bad behavior or girls that we’re getting ready to be kicked out. Trust me, I watched quite a few girls being made to leave during my time in the program and a) Mercy gave them more than enough chances and b) they had more than enough reason to make them leave.
    You need to have rules in a place where you’re bringing 20 or sometimes more girls with issues together. If they didn’t have these rules in place, that would show that they didn’t care and it would be complete and utter chaos. Oh and a high percentage of the girls in the home during my time are still completely free of their issues years later. I’m one of them… 🙂

    March 1, 2014 at 2:23 pm

    • been there too

      You said: “We listened to way more than Joyce Meyer, Joel Osteen and Nancy. My notebook also includes Priscilla Shirer, Beth Moore, Jesse Duplantis, Mark Crow, Dutch Sheets, John and Lisa Bevere and even more that I can’t think of off the top of my head. ”

      Red Flag #1: Most of the teachers and speakers you listened to (as listed above) espouse Word-Faith or Word of Faith theology, which has been decried and denounced by highly reputable theologians. Google it.

      You said: “Trust me, I watched quite a few girls being made to leave during my time in the program and a) Mercy gave them more than enough chances and b) they had more than enough reason to make them leave.”

      Red Flag #2: You seem to KNOW WITHOUT A DOUBT that these girls were to blame for being kicked out and that Mercy was not to blame, despite not being a counselor or staff member who would possess this insider knowledge. So how do you know this with certainty? Did Mercy tell you? Did the kicked-out girls tell you later on? I doubt it was the latter, since Mercy’s general rule of practice is to, once a resident has been kicked out, ask current residents to surrender any contact information they may have for the kicked-out girls. Dysfunctional organizations will always point blame away from themselves. Always. They will lead their followers to believe the problem always lies elsewhere, anywhere else, except within the organization. Google the BITE Model.

      You said: “Oh and a high percentage of the girls in the home during my time are still completely free of their issues years later. I’m one of them… :)”

      I’m glad that your experience in the Monroe home was positive and that you are completely free of your issues years later. That is to be celebrated and no one can never ever take that away from you. There have been many others whose experiences were devastating. And yet they are somehow completely free of their issues years later, DESPITE Mercy and not because of it. I’m one of them. And no one can take that away from me, either.

      July 11, 2014 at 5:48 pm

    • Joyce Doerr

      I was there and I KNOW how they do!!! So shut the fuck up with all your noise! You don’t know!!

      November 29, 2017 at 5:30 pm

    • Joyce Doerr

      DUCKYBLOND I was there and I KNOW how they do, ive had the same horrific experience So shut the fuck up with all your noise!

      November 29, 2017 at 5:32 pm

  5. Looking for someone that has been in the home in California.

    December 17, 2015 at 1:05 am

  6. Erica

    Remember the lady was a government official before mercy which explains why she sux and her staff is going to hell. The new testament is an older language. Remember today’s year is 2020. I read the king James version only. If you read revelations 14: 1-5 then STOP. Then MASTER ALL four gospels of JESUS CHRIST who is lamb (John 1:36). Do NOT proceed forward until u do. Then move forward so you can see and hear JESUS CHRIST in the following letters who was executed according to law. Literally death row. You can see in revelations 14:4 that fruit is NOT an orange but those going to heaven this generation by knowing GOD through JESUS CHRIST . He used that term often in his parables, you’ll see. You’ll want to know the science of our sun/star when it dies and this earths final end. As well as sperm under a microscope science. You’ll enjoy the reading, study and your prayer if you’ll do it like I asked. Raped children still clean knowing GOD through JESUS. Nothing personal. No heaven does not like nancy alcorn and GOD can’t stand her staff.

    March 5, 2020 at 3:40 pm

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